
Madagascar for kids

Learn some interesting information about Madagascar .  That's perfect for kids!

The 3rd largest coral reef in the world is called Toliara Coral reef and it is in the South ouest of Madagascar.

The language of Madagascar is Malagasy

he largest mammalian carnivore on the island of Madagascar is Fosa.. it is written with a one S, in malagasy you do not have 2 S




Learn some interesting information about Madagascar .  That's perfect for kids!

The 3rd largest coral reef in the world is called Toliara Coral reef and it is in the South ouest of Madagascar.

The language of Madagascar is Malagasy

he largest mammalian carnivore on the island of Madagascar is Fosa.. it is written with a one S, in malagasy you do not have 2 S





FUN Facts

King Ringtail Julien in Madagascar movie is a Lemur catta. The Ring-tailed Lemur is found in the dry forests and bush of southern and southwestern Madagascar.

This one is from Beza Mahafaly. he may speak a malagasy dialect


 The tail is as long as the body.

  •  It is a flag to communicate with family members. Like your smartphone when you want to call your parents.
  • Ringtail lemur uses the tail for balance. No wonders, you would do the same if you spent  so much time climbing in the treetops
  • Spur marking : Tail is very usefull in a stink fight. Males fight over a mate  by impregnating their tail with their scent and wafting it at opponents. The one with the strongest odour gets the girl



FUN Facts

King Ringtail Julien in Madagascar movie is a Lemur catta. The Ring-tailed Lemur is found in the dry forests and bush of southern and southwestern Madagascar.

This one is from Beza Mahafaly. he may speak a malagasy dialect


 The tail is as long as the body.

  •  It is a flag to communicate with family members. Like your smartphone when you want to call your parents.
  • Ringtail lemur uses the tail for balance. No wonders, you would do the same if you spent  so much time climbing in the treetops
  • Spur marking : Tail is very usefull in a stink fight. Males fight over a mate  by impregnating their tail with their scent and wafting it at opponents. The one with the strongest odour gets the girl